First half of 2023: more listeriosis diagnosed


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First half of 2023: more listeriosis diagnosed


In the first half of 2023, pathological examination at GD diagnosed listeriosis in 14 adult cattle and two aborted foetuses. This number is simular to the number of total cases for the full-years of 2022 (18) and 2021 (15). A possible explanation for the increase lies in feeding poorly harvested and preserved corn or grass silage from the summer of 2022. The pH of poorly preserved silage declines less effectively, and therefore curbs the growth of the Listeria monocytogenes bacterium less effectively. The risk of listeria being present also increases in silage containing large amounts of soil (due to many molehills in the ground, for example). You can also read the article in the highlights report ruminants of September 2023

In this report you can also find more information on:

  • Pathogenic bacteria from milk samples: Streptococcus uberis
  • Resistance of bacteria from animal material from non-dairy farms
  • Pilot for knee problems in adult cattle
  • Pilot for calves with birth defects
  • Animal health of cattle in the Netherlands in the second quarter of 2023

Highlights reports

First half of 2023: more listeriosis diagnosed

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